Austria-based company Marchi Mobile has recently launched a range of ultra-luxurious recreational vehicles. Its state-of-the-art eleMMent Palazzo, the most expensive and extravagant mobile home in the world, has already gone on the market. Seriously fancier and more expensive than a lot of nice houses, the 3-million vehicle represents a luxury villa on wheels equipped with more amenities you can imagine and accessories you never thought you’d see in an RV. Since it is designed for consumers who aren’t concerned with its price, the eleMMent Palazzo is said to be popular with those who are filthy rich and is definitely out most people’s budget.
As soon as you see the Palazzo coming down the road, you realize that this isn’t just a common RV. Some people find its look too futuristic with the cockpit positioned on the second level of the vehicle and featuring a massive circular window with a single-arm windscreen wiper.
The impressive vehicle offers more than just a fancy look; it boasts flexibilities rarely noticed anywhere. If more space is needed within the vehicle, one side of the Palazzo slides out and the width of the interior space is almost doubled. The roof level converts into a swanky cocktail lounge just at the push of a button. The amenities also include a working fireplace, heated flooring, and a rain shower with integrated LED lighting in the ceiling, mobile internet and satellite TV.
The Palazzo has a 510 horsepower turbo charged diesel engine with automatic transmission. The 20-ton vehicle can reach speeds of 93 mph and due to the aerodynamic design it boasts 20 percent reduction in fuel consumption. The vehicle has an above average safety rating because of the high compound strength of the glass fiber plastic cabin and the elevated seating position; it has real stream video surveillance so the users have a view to activity outside the motorhome.
If you have more spare money, the designers of the Palazzo say it is completely customizable and they would welcome any extravagant modifications, even cover it in diamonds.